Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gardening in the Off Season

We have barely passed the winter solstice. With each passing day, the PNW gets 1-2 mins more of daylight.  By the time May 1st, our cultivation deadline, the sun will rise at approximately 5:50 a.m. and set at 8:22 p.m. BUT, May 1st is still 4 months away.  What is one to do before May 1st?

Option 1: Collect, read, study, seed catalogs.

Option 2: As spring approaches, early bulbs like snowdrops start rearing their little heads.  Local gardens start their garden tours, here are some local gardens to check out.

Option 3: Wish for a sunny, warm day to visit your garden plot and do a bit of work on it.

Option 4:  Take some garden classes

Option 5: Visit a local nursery and dream about spring

However you spend your winter, we look forward to seeing you at our first work party, usually in the second week of April.

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